We are complex and unique beings with different experiences & when it comes to simplifying our lives, it seems we share a similarity in wanting things to be nice and simple. Despite this common ground, we also create (a lot of the time, if not all), complicated situations for ourselves and others which later translates into added stress and/or increased worry in our day to day lives…yep, this is us!

Lao Tzu writes that, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” and he couldn’t be more right. The understanding of this quote becomes much more apparent once we’ve simplified an area in our lives - we can then feel the almost automatic itch to do the same in other areas as a result of the freedom, space, peace and joy it brings.

Even if you don’t agree with my understanding of this quote, simplifying your life requires you to be honest and ask yourself, “What is essential for my well being and what am I holding onto that isn’t even mine (by this, I mean emotional weight)?”

Here’s a quote to ponder on before you read the steps in simplifying your life. Trust me, it hints at ridding yourself of things that no longer serve you.

The abundant world we live in today has a way of making “excess” look like, “it’s not enough”... and so we continue to make excuses for others and carry emotional weight that's not even ours; all because we wish to be seen as enough. I’m telling you today, enough is enough”.

1.Let go of the emotional weight you carry for others: First of all, this isn’t yours to keep and I know it’s probably one of the hardest things to do but it’s also the most rewarding. The most helpful ways to let go of this weight are as follows:

  • Forgive yourself and the other party: a lot of the times when we forgive others, we also forget to forgive ourselves for allowing a certain behaviour to slide. Instead we punish ourselves which makes it harder to release the heavy emotional weight. You can forgive yourself by first accepting what has already happened, and finding a means to let out that frustration instead of bottling it in.
  • Boundaries: This can sometimes be an uncomfortable feeling especially when you have to set it with people close to you. Think about it this way, if you don’t set this boundary, you will continue to be unhappy with yourself and that’s an easy peasy recipe to damaging your self worth. If you can’t change the person, change yourself and how you react to certain situations - when you make the shift, others will follow. Infact, you should always aim to change yourself instead of someone else; see my blog on How to change Other People here.

2.Get rid of clutter: I’ve watched “hoarder tv programmes” and I’ve always felt uncomfortable with the amount of stuff in a room and often, I wonder if I could ever pile things up to this extent and the answer is yes. Weirdly, I somehow believe we all can too. BUT, the difference lies in the choices we make, what we categorise as essential and non essential and whether or not we hold attachments to these  things.

For a “less is more” kinda attitude, here's  an excellent guide for decluttering your life that I’m certain you’ll find useful. All in all, this point is to rid you of what no longer brings you joy and what continues to block your space. Aim to create space in order to welcome the new.

3.Practice mindfulness and intimate forms of self love: This has got to be one of my favourite tips given it’s a journey we should never really come off. I’m such a big advocate for self love and mindfulness and my personal view is that it should form part of school curriculums and/or activities, despite the fact it may sound a little unconventional to some people. (I’ll keep this as a topic for another day🤐).

Some activities you can practice under this point are:

  • Reversing self criticism with words of love
  • Mindful eating: enjoying and savoring every mouthful (chew, don’t rush to swallow)
  • Being aware of your body: what feels good and what doesn’t
  • Breathe: there are lots of techniques but you can learn the 3,6,9 technique here
  • Do what you love: if one day, you feel like dancing in the park or walking barefoot on grass… DO IT.

4.Don’t over complicate things, instead keep it short & simple (KISS): Since high school, our Grammar teachers have knocked us on keeping it short and simple and well, my adult life has somehow centred this approach as my way of being. Be honest and direct with yourself and others to avoid entanglements in situationships and/or relationships so as to avoid unnecessary arguments and worry. This is for your own good, not for somebody else’.

Do one thing at a time to avoid complications, and do it well.

5.Reduce screen time on devices: I know our personal and working lives revolve around using technology and so maybe when we get on our phones, we feel like there’s a lot to catch up on based on our fear of missing out. One 30-second reel can effortlessly pull you into another and before you realise, you have spent over 2hrs sitting in the same spot.

In order to overcome spending so much time on social media, you can choose to set a timer on your phone for a certain amount of time to dedicate to social media sites. I believe with Instagram, you can allocate an amount of time to be active and when you reach that, the app will notify you - this is definitely a good practice for practicing awareness too.

Other valid ways in simplifying your life include, going out in nature more and speaking your truth so as to restore emotional balance and reduce anxiety. Start small, be consistent and incorporate some of these steps into simplifying your life.

Thank you for reading.

Love & Light